CCPQD Ratios
Parameter | Description | Default | Options |
ratio Required |
Ratio | Client/TotalIM , Collateral Held , Collateral Required , DF_pct , Overcollateralization Amount , Overcollateralization Ratio , OwnCapital_pct , Prefunded Structure , PrefundedDF+TotalIM , SITG , Test , TotalIMHeld/TotalIMRequired , TotalIM_pct , VMChange , Wind-down ratio | |
reportDate Optional |
The report date in YYYY-MM-DD format. | 2025-01-30 | |
clearingHouse Optional |
Clearing House | ASX , ATHEXClear , B3 , BME , CCG , CCIL , CCPA , CDCC , CDS , CFFEX , CME , CME CE , Cboe , DTCC , ECC , Eurex , EuroCCP , HKEX , ICE , JSCC , KDPW , KELER , KRX , LCH LLC , LCH Ltd , LCH SA , LME , MGEX , MIAX , NCC , Nasdaq , Nodal , OCC , OMIClear , SCH , SGX , SHFE , SIX , TAIFEX , TCH , TFX , Takasbank | |
reportLevelIdentifier Optional |
Report Level Identifier | Required if CCP not specified. See list of clearing services |
import clarus response = clarus.ccpqd.ratios(clearingHouse='LCH Ltd,CME',ratio='Client/TotalIM') print (response)
import com.clarusft.api.model.ccpqd.RatiosRequest import com.clarusft.api.model.ccpqd.RatiosResponse ApiClient clarus = ApiClient.getDefault(); RatiosResponse response = clarus.request(new RatiosRequest().withClearingHouse("LCH Ltd,CME").withRatio("Client/TotalIM")); System.out.println(response);
import Clarus response = Clarus.Ccpqd.ratios(clearingHouse="LCH Ltd,CME",ratio="Client/TotalIM") print(response)
##Need to install packages once, if not already installed
## Manually edit and set key/secret here ##
apiKey <- '...'
apiSecret <-'...'
request <- function(category, functionName, ...){
restUrl = paste0('', category, '/',functionName, '.csv')
response <- POST(url=restUrl, body=list(...), encode='json', authenticate(apiKey, apiSecret, type='basic'))
if (response$status_code!=200){
stop(paste0('Request to ', category, '/', functionName, ' failed with status code: ', response$status_code))
return (response)
dataframe <- function(response){
return (read.csv(text=content(response, 'text'), sep=',', head=TRUE))
## filename <- file.path('C:', 'Temp', 'myfile.csv')
## myvalue <- <- read_file(filename)
r <- request('ccpqd', 'Ratios', clearingHouse='LCH Ltd,CME', ratio='Client/TotalIM')
df <- dataframe(r)
print (df)
import requests
import sys
import pandas
import io
#import os
# Example of REST API call to Clarus Microservices #
# Manually edit and set key/secret here #
apiKey = ''
apiSecret = ''
print (sys.version)
def request(category, functionName, **params):
restUrl = '' + category + '/' + functionName + '.json'
r =, json=params, auth=(apiKey, apiSecret))
return r.json()
def dataframe(results):
return pandas.DataFrame(results['results'])
# filename = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Temp', 'myfile.csv')
# myvalue = open(filename).read()
r = request('ccpqd', 'Ratios', clearingHouse='LCH Ltd,CME', ratio='Client/TotalIM')
df = dataframe(r)
use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Base64;
use JSON;
use REST::Client;
# Example of REST API call to Clarus Microservices #
my $client = REST::Client->new();
$client->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
# Manually edit and set key/secret here
my $apiKey = '';
my $apiSecret = '';
my $encoded_auth = encode_base64("$apiKey:$apiSecret", '');
$client->addHeader('Authorization', "Basic $encoded_auth");
my %params = ('clearingHouse' => 'LCH Ltd,CME','ratio' => 'Client/TotalIM');
my $urlBase = '';
my $category = 'ccpqd/';
my $name = 'Ratios';
my $outputFormat = '.csv'; #can also be '.json' or '.tsv'
my $fullRESTUrl = $urlBase . $category . $name . $outputFormat;
print 'Response: ' . $client->responseContent() . "\n";
print 'Response status: ' . $client->responseCode() . "\n";
printf('Example of REST API call to Clarus Microservices\n');
function r = request(category, functionName, params)
# Manually edit and set key/secret here #
apiKey = ''
apiSecret = ''
restUrl = ['https://' apiKey ":" apiSecret "@" '' category '/' functionName '.csv'];
[r, status, message] = urlread (restUrl, 'get', params);
if (status!=1)
error(['Failed on ' category '/' functionName ': ' message]);
function ca = toCellArray(csvStr)
header_row = textscan (csvStr, "%s", 1, 'delimiter','\n');
headers = strsplit(char(header_row), ",");
numCols = size(headers)(2);
format = repmat('%s ', [1 numCols]);
ca = textscan (csvStr, format, 'delimiter',',', 'endofline',"\n");
params = {'clearingHouse', 'LCH Ltd,CME', ...
'ratio', 'Client/TotalIM'}
r = request('ccpqd', 'Ratios', params)
ca = toCellArray(r);
Example of REST API query URL (GET)
CSV Ltd,CME&ratio=Client/TotalIM&
TSV Ltd,CME&ratio=Client/TotalIM&
JSON Ltd,CME&ratio=Client/TotalIM&
HTML Ltd,CME&ratio=Client/TotalIM&
Request Body
Submit to generate...
Submit to generate...
"clearingHouse" : "LCH Ltd,CME",
"ratio" : "Client/TotalIM"